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Search found 17 matches

by TD1966
Fri Jun 23, 2023 12:46 pm
Forum: Yamaha Montage and Montage M Forum
Topic: Yamaha Montage Replacement!
Replies: 744
Views: 118167

Re: Yamaha Montage Replacement!

Hi bud! Thank you for that, sonic. Is there anything I need to upload on this apart from cubase?
by TD1966
Fri Jun 23, 2023 9:23 am
Forum: Yamaha Montage and Montage M Forum
Topic: Yamaha Montage Replacement!
Replies: 744
Views: 118167

Re: Yamaha Montage Replacement!

Sonic! you are a godsent !
question: it says on here firmware version 3.52.0
is this the latest?
Thx guys
by TD1966
Fri Jun 23, 2023 7:54 am
Forum: Yamaha Montage and Montage M Forum
Topic: Yamaha Montage Replacement!
Replies: 744
Views: 118167

Re: Yamaha Montage Replacement!

Thank you for that Sonic.
Guys am having a volume issue maybe someone can help?
Volume is at full on speakers jbl 104 bt too and it is very low? setting is at 127 and still... anyone can help?
by TD1966
Thu Jun 22, 2023 12:48 pm
Forum: Yamaha Montage and Montage M Forum
Topic: Yamaha Montage Replacement!
Replies: 744
Views: 118167

Re: Yamaha Montage Replacement!

FINALLY... I had to sort a car to go to DHL depot to pick it up myself...they were going to pull another one like yesterday on me. Last delivery of the day, and if the driver is late, reschedule again. No way. Mate that thing is heavy!!!! :/: Anyhow. It is a Bieautyyyyyyy!!!! Forgive me guys, I will...
by TD1966
Wed Jun 21, 2023 4:28 pm
Forum: Yamaha Montage and Montage M Forum
Topic: Yamaha Montage Replacement!
Replies: 744
Views: 118167

Re: Yamaha Montage Replacement!

Hi Saul! GRRR! DHL delivering in three parcels: one for the omega pro stamd, and one for headphone, laptop holder, etc . These arrived. Again, another parcel with the Montage on its way... five more stops before me... Aaargh!!! Had to sell my car to get this!
by TD1966
Wed Jun 21, 2023 1:49 pm
Forum: Yamaha Montage and Montage M Forum
Topic: Yamaha Montage Replacement!
Replies: 744
Views: 118167

Re: Yamaha Montage Replacement!

Hi guys. My knees are ashaking, butterflies in the stomach, sweaty palms and clouded vision... Jusr been told my newest baby is through customs, with DHL and out for delivery!!! Reminds me of each time my wife had a baby!!! am loosing my marbles. As per my respected forum buddies relating to equival...
by TD1966
Tue Jun 20, 2023 3:09 pm
Forum: Yamaha Montage and Montage M Forum
Topic: Yamaha Montage Replacement!
Replies: 744
Views: 118167

Re: Yamaha Montage Replacement!

Ok, thank you. got it .
by TD1966
Mon Jun 19, 2023 7:14 pm
Forum: Yamaha Montage and Montage M Forum
Topic: Yamaha Montage Replacement!
Replies: 744
Views: 118167

Re: Yamaha Montage Replacement!

Got it! Am a bit of a slow poke, sorry...
by TD1966
Mon Jun 19, 2023 6:57 pm
Forum: Yamaha Montage and Montage M Forum
Topic: Yamaha Montage Replacement!
Replies: 744
Views: 118167

Re: Yamaha Montage Replacement!

Thank you for that guys and thank you for all the support. I am still waiting for the customs to clear my Montage... :( Getting really stressed, worse than when my two daughters were born a looong long time ago..starting to loose it.. lol. Regarding the previous post about the replacement and bonner...
by TD1966
Sun Jun 18, 2023 6:09 pm
Forum: Yamaha Montage and Montage M Forum
Topic: Yamaha Montage Replacement!
Replies: 744
Views: 118167

Re: Yamaha Montage Replacement!

Hot off the youtube press!!!! Dan Phillips KORG R and D California declared that KORG was having issues with the procurement of the chips they use as well as the wafers for those chips; this was the reason they were having such delays in manifacturing their synths. It seems this was a major issue fo...
by TD1966
Sun Jun 18, 2023 12:24 am
Forum: Yamaha Montage and Montage M Forum
Topic: Montage OS Update 3.51
Replies: 3
Views: 1794

Re: Montage OS Update 3.51

Thank you very much for that, appreciated.
by TD1966
Sat Jun 17, 2023 9:54 pm
Forum: Yamaha Montage and Montage M Forum
Topic: Yamaha Montage Replacement!
Replies: 744
Views: 118167

Re: Yamaha Montage Replacement!

Hi Saul. Thank you very much for this. Unfortunately what this gentleman is doing is some kind of modern arabic music. Not really what I am looking for. This would be the attempt to create new arabic sounds . Successful or not, I will not allow myself to judge. Not my place. No. What I am looking fo...
by TD1966
Fri Jun 16, 2023 2:00 pm
Forum: Yamaha Montage and Montage M Forum
Topic: Yamaha Montage Replacement!
Replies: 744
Views: 118167

Re: Yamaha Montage Replacement!

Wow... This forum is something else, different from any I have seen before. People actually participate! Thx again Saul for making newbies welcome, and thx for the nice comment. Am still waiting for an update on delivery, should be mid next week, fingers crossed. Just a quick question: The whole rea...
by TD1966
Thu Jun 15, 2023 6:26 pm
Forum: Yamaha Montage and Montage M Forum
Topic: Montage OS Update 3.51
Replies: 3
Views: 1794

Re: Montage OS Update 3.51

Hi. One stupid newbie question: I just bought a Montage. Do I need to download all the firmware updates or just the latest one?
Thank you.
by TD1966
Thu Jun 15, 2023 2:33 pm
Forum: Please Read BEFORE Registering On The Forum!
Topic: Not many rules but please adhere to the few there are.
Replies: 21
Views: 131422

Re: Not many rules but please adhere to the few there are.

Bonjour all!
Clear as crystal. Agreed and adhering to it.
Thanks for all the hard work. 0-)